Sahrzad Free Trial

Image result for free trialThank you for your interest in Sahrzad Service!
We would like to offer you free trial of our premium service.
With Sahrzad you can unblock all websites and services like Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Line and any others!
All you need is setup a vpn connection on your Android device.
It is not difficult to setup VPN following our instructions below.
100% safe and secure!
Our VPN connection looks like usual https connection, so it cannot be detected!

Your Free Trial Account Data

Here is your VPN account data that you will need to use during setup process:
Username: moby
Password: moby
Server address:

How to Setup VPN Connection on your Android Device

Please download and install SSTP VPN client here
 Image result for download apk
Please review video guide how to setup VPN on your Android device.

Here is your VPN account data that you will need to use during setup process:
Username: moby
Password: moby
Server address:

Please contact us if you need any assistance!
After your trial is ended you can order Sahrzad Service with 30% coupon code.

Just use coupon code Feb18 during your order!

Viber in UAE

You can check if you are using VPN by checking your IP add

Launch “VPN client pro” app on your Android device

  1.  Tap + icon to add new VPN connection and choose “New SSTP VPN Profile”

how to setup SSTP in android

how to setup SSTP in android

2. Input name of the VPN connection (anything you want) and tap “Remote servers”

how to setup SSTP in android

3. Tap + icon on the bottom

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

4. Input Server address “” and tap OK button.

how to setup SSTP VPN in android

5. Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)

Click the marked icon on the right upper corner to save the settings

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

6. Swipe to the right on the right upper corner to connect to VPN server, input your Trial username and password, tick Save and OK

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

7. If everything is OK you will be connected. When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device.

how to setup VPN SSTP in android


If your IP address is changed – you are successfully connected.
Now you can use Skype, Whatsapp and others video calling services without any limits!
Please let us know if you need any assistance!
After your trial period you can Get YOUR VPN Account Data with 30% discount. Just use coupon code “feb18” on secure order page.