Why You need vpn on your iPhone?


Apple’s iPhone is one of the most best-selling smartphones in the market. With the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs having a very charismatic personality, iPhones have managed to attract millions of people. Thousands of excited Apple fans patiently wait in long lines in Apple stores, every time a new version is released. True enough, iPhones are so phenomenal and the “magic” shall continue for a long time.

But no matter how good Apple engineers and designers are, iPhone users are always prone to identity theft. Just like other brands of smartphones, Apple cannot guarantee the online safety of its subscribers at all times. And because of various types of connectivity available, iPhones are designed to be used anywhere you are. This includes public places such as airports, restaurants, train stations, and others.

In such areas, you are unconsciously allowing intruders to see your online activities. Hackers are getting smarter than ever, and you as an ordinary iPhone user may feel helpless. This is why VPN (Virtual Private Network) was created. With this technology, you can enjoy your iPhone in Wi-Fi zones without worrying about your sensitive information being intercepted by a third party.

With VPN (http://vpn-account.com/iphonevpn.html ), your traffic is encrypted which greatly reduces the chance of being tracked. Therefore, the data you are sending and receiving is well-secured. This is very important especially if you are paying bills via the Internet, buying goods online, or even logging in to social sites as such Facebook and Twitter. In short, VPN for iPhones protects your privacy. So far, VPN is the best way to do that.

In addition, VPN allows you to visit restricted websites even if you are in a country that blocks them. So, if you are China where Internet censorship is being imposed strictly, local cyber-policemen will see you as someone logging in from another country, say the U.S. This is because VPN service providers have the availability to provide you a new IP address, while hiding your real IP address and geo-location.

iPhones support different kinds of security protocols, depending on the capability of the VPN service provider you choose. Free VPNs are good, but the paid services are better. For only a few dollars of investment, you can be sure of faster and more reliable VPN connection. Not to mention enjoying the technical support that you paid for, as well as the excellent customer service you always wanted.


Source: http://vpn-account.com/blog/articles/13/why-you-should-use-vpn-on-your-iphone