Craigslist is probably the oldest and the best-known advertising platform based in San Francisco California United States. It works for over 20 years and millions of people from different counties on the world visit the site to find a job or house, to sell or to buy something. Unfortunately, in some places, Craigslist website is blocked. Let’s find out how to unblock Craigslist if it is restricted with VPN for Craigslist.
Craigslist check your IP address and if you need to change it you can simply use a VPN – virtual private network. Now the site works in 70 countries. VPN helps to mask your real IP address and so you can easily bypass any kind of geo restrictions.
Also, you can use VPN to access Craigslist if your IP address was banned.
When you are selecting a VPN you need to consider a VPN service with locations in the United States. This is the main market of Craigslist. So just use USA VPN and you can use Craigslist without any limits.
Unblock Craigslist Anywhere
Today VPN the one of the best method to access restricted websites. VPN hides IP address and so you can bypass any Internet limits.
Besides that, VPN for Craigslist also keeps all your data secured and protected. All the data is encrypted inside VPN tunnel.
You can setup VPN of various devices like iOS, Android, Windows, Mac and others.
It is simple to setup vpn connection on your computer or smart phone.
Here you can find step by step vpn setup instructions.