Facebook Messenger is an amazing instant messaging tool for voice and text communications. It has over one billion active users since 2011 when it was launched. However, the service is blocked in some countries. You can easily unblock it with a VPN. VPN for Facebook Messenger is secure are a reliable tool.
Also, Facebook Messenger Lite was launched in October 2016 to attract more users, particularly, those running the Android operating system on 2G network. This lightweight app, 10MB file size, is a stripped-down version of Messenger. It skips notification sounds, voice calling, and other features that increase the loading time. However, users would be able to use the basic attributes of Messenger such as emojis, stickers, and photo and link sharing. The app targets regions or consumer-base that are devoid of high-speed Internet connection. Facebook Messenger Lite is available in Kenya, Tunisia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Venezuela, and is set to come to other countries later.
In some countries like China, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, UAE and many others Facebook messenger is blocked.
If you still need this application you can avoid censorship and unblock Facebook Messenger.
There are several ways how you can do that and the most secure and reliable way to use Facebook Messenger is VPN.
VPN or Virtual private network is a secured tunnel that masks your IP address and so lets to avoid any country’s Internet limits and restrictions.
VPN for Facebook Messenger
There are many benefits of using VPN for FB Messenger:
- VPN lets to unblock Facebook Messenger if it is blocked.
- VPN is safe because it makes you anonymous and secure.
- VPN protects all your personal and business data
- VPN encrypts all your messages making you completely secure and private in the Internet.
You can use VPN for Facebook Messenger on any device that supports vpn technology, such as smart phone, pc, tablet, operating by Android, iOS, Mac and others.
How to use VPN for Facebook Messenger on Android
To create a new VPN tunnel 1. Click the Settings icon 2. Select Wireless & Networks and tap on VPN 3. Tap Add VPN Network 4. Input connection name (Sahrzad VPN), select the type of your VPN connection – PPTP VPN, input VPN server address from your account data. 5. Input your Username and password that you received from the VPN account service in the e-mail. For connection to vpn server:
When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device. If you are disconnected, you will receive a notification and an option to go back to the VPN settings section. |
Once you have created VPN connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.
How to use VPN for Facebook Messenger on iOS
make a new VPN connection in your iOS device you need to do the next:
1. Go to Settings > General > VPN
2. Click Add VPN Configuration. Select L2TP VPN and click Back
3. Input you VPN account data – server, account and password. You get these data from Sahrzad service in the e-mail after ordering vpn. Fill the Secret field – secret (small letters)
4. Tap Done to save the settings.
Once you have created VPN connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.
How to use VPN for Facebook Messenger on Windows
To setup VPN connection in Windows 8 please follow the next steps:
1. Display the Charms bar, click Search, and then click Settings.
2. Type VPN into the Search box.
3. Click the Set Up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connection button in the Search results pane.
4. The VPN Connection wizard appears. Enter the following information:
- * VPN server address from your account data that you received from Sahrzad into Internet Address text box. Please be careful – don’t use any additional symbols like spaces, http://, www, / …etc in the server address.
- * Destination Name. It’s just the name of your connection. For example, it can be “Sahrzad VPN”.
5. Click Create.
VPN connection is created and Windows 8 displays it under the Networks heading in the Charms bar. Click on it to connect.