Using VPN in Apple’s iOS 10 and Mac OS Sierra: What’s New?

The latest version of the iPhone/iPad/Mac operating system, released in new iPhone 7, does not have a support of PPTP VPN point-to-point tunneling protocol connections. If you are using this type of vpn connection you need to take care about this now.

These changes make a lot problem for many iOS users and most of them ask:

How to Use VPN in iOS 10 and Mac OS Sierra?

Well, PPTP vpn is not available now but we still can use Open vpn and L2TP/IP Sec vpn tunnels in these operating systems.

This kind of vpn connection is very secure and reliable.


Below you can find simple step by step guides how to use VPN in iOS 10.

Sahrzad VPN setup Guides for iOS 10

To make a new vpn connection in your iOS device you need to do the next:

1. Go to Settings > General > VPN
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2. Click Add VPN Configuration. Select L2TP VPN and click Back
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3. Input you VPN account data – server, account and password. You get these data from Sahrzad service in the e-mail after ordering vpn. Fill the Secret field – secret (small letters)
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4. Tap Done to save the settings.
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Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.

Sahrzad VPN setup Guides for Macbook and MAC OS Sierra


To create a new vpn tunnel in your MAC OS device you need to do the next:

  1. Download Easy SSTP application here or here and install.
  2.  Run Easy SSTP from Applications.
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  4. Click on Easy SSTP icon from Menu bar (right upper corner) and choose “Configure”
  5. Click “New”.
  6. Fill the necessary fields:Connection Type: Password
    Connection Name: SSTP VPN (for example)
    Server: Server address from your VPN account data
    Username: Account name from your VPN account data
    Password: Password from your VPN account data
    Please note: Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)
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  7. Click “Easy SSTP” icon from Menu bar in the right upper corner and select created SSTP connection (your connection name).
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