Unblock WhatsApp in Zimbabwe

The government of Zimbabwe blocked WhatsApp on July 6 2016. It is now not possible to send or receive Whatsapp messages on any of the country’s mobile telecommunication networks.
However, Minister for Information, Communication Technology and Courier Services Supa Mandiwanzira denied any government interference in the Whatsapp service:

“I as minister and on behalf of the government have resisted these demands because we see their value to Zimbabweans. So there is no basis that I as minister or government will work up to ban them when we are on the forefront of denying the request by operators. We know there are elements, very few of them, who abuse the platform but they must not be allowed to spoil its very good use by the majority of citizens.”

WhatsApp is currently not working on the following networks:

  • TelOne
  • Liquid Telecom Zimbabwe
  • ZOL Zimbabwe
  • Telecel
  • Econet
  • NetOne

Africom is the only operator that has not blocked WhatsApp yet.

The only solution that works to unblock WhatsApp in Zimbabwe is masking IP address with VPN.

Using VPN is safe and secure and it helps to unblock Whatsapp.


How to Unblock WhatsApp on Android

To use WhatsApp on your Android device you need to make a vpn connection.

    1. Click Settings icon

how to setup VPN in android

2. Select Wireless & Networks and tap on VPN

how to setup VPN in android

3. Tap Add VPN Network

how to setup VPN in android

4, Input connection name (Sahrzad VPN), select the type of your VPN connection – PPTP VPN, input VPN server address from your account data.Please be carefully – don’t use any additional symbols like spaces, http://, www, / …etc in the server address.

how to setup VPN in android











5.Input your Username and password that you received from VPN account service in e-mail.

6.Save it and tap Connect

how to setup VPN in android

For connection to vpn server:

  1. Select Home > Menu > Settings
  2. Tap Wireless & networks
  3. Tap VPN settings
  4. The VPN connections you have added are present in the list
  5. Tap the VPN you wish to connect to (Sahrzad VPN)
  6. A dialog box will open asking for your credentials, enter them and click connect

When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device. If you are disconnected, you will receive a notification and an option to go back to the VPN settings section.

Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.

With VPN you can enjoy WhatsApp calling as usual.

How to Unblock WhatsApp on iOS

To unblock WhatsApp in iOS device follow the nest steps:

  1. Go to Settings > General > VPN
    setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 1

2. Click Add VPN Configuration

setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 2

3. Choose PPTP VPN and enter you VPN account data. You will receive your VPN server, username and password in the e-mail

Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)

setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 3

4. Save your VPN configuration. Once you have created VPN connection you can switch it ON and OFF on the main settings screen

setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 4


Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.
