Since last week WhatsApp is blocked in Yemen. Over ten thousands of WhatsApp users noticed that the service was not accessible on the mobile networks of the two biggest mobile service providers in the country, Yemen Mobile and MTN.
Unable to open or communicate on Whatsapp, while Facebook is working. What’s the reason?
MTN provided a brief response to users’ inquiries, saying that the interruption is due to “technical” issues at YemenNet, the main internet service provider in the country.
We would like to mention that the interruption in the Whatsapp service is due to technical issues, which the service provider YemenNet is working to resolve
However it is possible that WhatsApp was simple blocked like many others similar services.
Internet blocking in Yemen is not a new phenomenon. For years, authorities from various political backgrounds have censored the internet for one reason or another. Websites of political opposition groups, websites containing specific religious content, and pornography have all been subject to strict censorship by the main service provider and sole provider of DSL internet connections in the country, YemenNet, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Telecommunication.
But now it looks like the authorities are now turning their attention to advanced communication tools like WhatsApp and Telegram, which provide users with alternative ways to share and spread information. In fact, Telegram has seen the number of its users in Yemen increase, as it allows them to share news through the app’s channels without providing a phone number. As a result, several of the blocked sites moved to these applications and similar ones in order to reach out to users.
Until this moment no official announcement has been made concerning WhatsApp. But local experts fear it is actually an intentional shutdown of the service. All internet traffic in Yemen goes through YemenNet, and this monopoly makes it possible to impose censorship and surveillance on more than three million users in the country, most of whom use the internet (rather than traditional telecom services) to communicate.
How to Unblock WhatsApp in Yemen
The best solution to unblock WhatsApp in Yemen is using a VPN – virtual private network.
All you need to unblock WhatsApp in Yemen is:
- Get VPN
- Setup VPN connection
- USE Whatsapp in Yemen!
You can use VPN on any iOS and Android device.
You do not need any specific application to setup VPN in your gadget.
Since VPN is a system feature you can setup vpn in a few minutes without any Android and iOS application.
Read below – this is not difficult and very fast:
How to setup VPN in Android:
Below you can find Sahrzad VPN setup guide for Android devices.
To make a new vpn connection on your device with Android OS you need to follow the next instructions.
To create new vpn tunnel
- Click Settings icon
2. Select Wireless & Networks and tap on VPN
3.Tap Add VPN Network
4. Input connection name (Sahrzad VPN), select the type of your VPN connection – PPTP VPN, input VPN server address from your account data.
Please be carefully – don’t use any additional symbols like spaces, http://, www, / …etc in the server address.
5. Input your Username and password that you received from VPN account service in e-mail.
Save it and tap Connect
For connection to vpn server:
- Select Home > Menu > Settings
- Tap Wireless & networks
- Tap VPN settings
- The VPN connections you have added are present in the list
- Tap the VPN you wish to connect to (Sahrzad VPN)
- A dialog box will open asking for your credentials, enter them and click connect
When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device. If you are disconnected, you will receive a notification and an option to go back to the VPN settings section.
Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.
How to setup VPN in iOS
To make a new vpn connection in your iOS device you need to do the next:
1. Go to Settings > General > VPN
2. Click Add VPN Configuration
3. Choose PPTP VPN and enter you VPN account data. You will receive your VPN server, username and password in the e-mail
Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)
4. Save your VPN configuration. Once you have created VPN connection you can switch it ON and OFF on the main settings screen
Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.
Stay in touch with your family!