How to Unblock VoIP in Dubai UAE February 2025

In 2018 VoIP services and applications are still blocked in UAE. You can use VOIP in Dubai with a secure and invisible VPN solution. Human is a social creature and all of us need communications. This is especially important for those who are far from homes and families, for example, like expats in Dubai. People want to be in touch with relatives and friends but international calls from the country are very expensive. VoIP services are a wonderful alternative to Etisalat and DU calls. However all Internet services like WhatsApp calling, Skype, Viber, BBM voice, Line and others are blocked is Dubai and others places of United Arab Emirates as non licensed, although the UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) said there is no problems with VOIP in the country.
VoIP in UAE in October 2023 – No problem
Is there any way to unblock VOIP calls from Dubai? Yes! And this is a VPN. 90% of expats already use VPN on a regular bases to be connected to their homes outside the UAE. While others are still hesitating to use VPN due to some reasons.

How to unblock VOIP in Dubai?

To unblock VoIP in Dubai you need to do the next:
      1. Get VPN button.viewyouraccount
      2. Setup VPN Connection
      3. Enjoy VOIP services

Is is safe to use VoIP in Dubai?

Sahrzad provides special secure vpn solution for VoIP in Dubai and Abu Dhabi that cannot be detected.  So it is completely safe to use it!

Why VPN works to unblock VOIP in Dubai?

Internet restrictions in the United Arab Emirates are based on the IP address and VPN (Virtual Private Network) lets to mask real IP addresses and make you anonymous and secure in the global network. This is easy and safe solution.

How to unblock VOIP call services on Android?

To use VOIP on your Android device you need to make a vpn connection. Follow the instructions below.
    1. Click Settings icon
how to setup VPN in android 2. Select Wireless & Networks and tap on VPN how to setup VPN in android 3. Tap Add VPN Network how to setup VPN in android 4, Input connection name (Sahrzad VPN), select the type of your VPN connection – PPTP VPN, input VPN server address from your account data.Please be carefully – don’t use any additional symbols like spaces, http://, www, / …etc in the server address. how to setup VPN in android                       5.Input your Username and password that you received from VPN account service in e-mail. 6.Save it and tap Connect how to setup VPN in android For connection to vpn server:
  1. Select Home > Menu > Settings
  2. Tap Wireless & networks
  3. Tap VPN settings
  4. The VPN connections you have added are present in the list
  5. Tap the VPN you wish to connect to (Sahrzad VPN)
  6. A dialog box will open asking for your credentials, enter them and click connect
When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device. If you are disconnected, you will receive a notification and an option to go back to the VPN settings section.

Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.

Under the VPN you can use VOIP in Dubai on your Android device without any limits. This is safe and secure.

How to unblock VOIP call services on iOS?

  1. Go to Settings > General > VPN setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 1
2. Click Add VPN Configuration setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 2 3. Choose PPTP VPN and enter you VPN account data. You will receive your VPN server, username and password in the e-mail Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols) setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 3 4. Save your VPN configuration. Once you have created VPN connection you can switch it ON and OFF on the main settings screen setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 4  

Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.

Under the VPN you can use VOIP in Dubai on your iOS device without any restrictions. This is 100% safe and anonymous.

Here you can find vpn setup instructions for different operational systems: .

Read more on this topic.

VPN for VOIP in Gulf Countries
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