How to Unblock Skype in Qatar

Unblock Skype in Qatar

Some time ago Skype voice and video calling service officially confirmed that it is blocked in Qatar. We are going to share a simple and reliable way to unblock Skype in Qatar.

The best way to use Skype is Qatar is VPN – Virtual Private Network. VPN hides your IP address and helps to avoid Internet restrictions.

VPN is easy in use and you can setup vpn connection on your device is a few minutes. No additional software required.

3 Simple Steps to Use Skype in Qatar

  1. Get your secure VPN Account Data
  2. Setup VPN Connection on your device
  3. Enjoy Skype and any other VOIP service from Qatar

Try Sahrzad service today for free!

The only thing that Skype can suggest is:

“The best course of action would be for you to speak to your ISP and ask why they are blocking Skype and request that they unblock our site and services.”

But we suggest you do not worry and use VPN for Skype in Qatar. This is safe, secure and reliable!


How to Unblock Skype in Qatar on Android

Please download and install SSTP VPN client here

Launch “VPN client pro” app on your Android device

1. Tap + icon to add new VPN connection and choose “New SSTP VPN Profile”

how to setup SSTP in android

how to setup SSTP in android

2. Input name of the VPN connection (anything you want) and tap “Remote servers”

how to setup SSTP in android

3. Tap + icon on the bottom

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

4. Server address that you can find in your “vpn account data” letter in the marked field and tap OK button.

how to setup SSTP VPN in android

5. Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)

Click the marked icon on the right upper corner to save the settings

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

6. Swipe to the right on the right upper corner to connect to VPN server, input your username and password, tick Save and OK

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

7. If everything is OK you will be connected. When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device.

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

How to Unblock Skype on iOS

To setup SSL (SSTP) vpn connection in your iPhone or iPad please follow the next instructions:

1. Install Cisco Anyconnect app from App Store
2. Open Anyconnect app and in Settings section uncheck “Block Untrusted Servers” to allow it.
how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -1 how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -2
3. Back to Home, tap Connections -> Add VPN Connection.
4. Enter Description (any name) and Server Address. Tap Save
how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -3
5. Swipe the AnyConnect VPN switch from OFF to ON and tap Continue
how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -4 how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -5
6. Input Username tap Connect, input Password and tap Connect.
7. Wait for the connection.

how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -6 how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -7 how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -8

Video setup SSTP VPN in iOS

What people say about blocking VoIP services in Qatar