Best VPN for IMO

What is IMO?

IMO is simple and really easy in use instant messaging. You can talk with your friends on MSN, Skype, Yahoo, GTalk, Facebook, AIM/ICQ, Jabber VKontakte, Myspace, Hyves and steam accounts all from the same interface. Besides mobile version you can also use IMO from any computer. This is really convenient because you can log in from any computer, you don’t even have to create an IMO account, although doing so will save your linked account information making it a simple task to access all your chats.
IMO offer android and ios applications. So it the a great tool! Millions of people are using it.

Unfortunately, IMO is blocked in some countries like UAE, Saudi Arabia and others. To use IMO in blocked countries you can use VPN – virtual private network.

This is secure and simple.

IMO Pros

  • Clean and easy to use , you can keep all your account data on your phone for easy login.
  • You can activate automatic sign  if you want to.
  • Multiple chats at one time, from multiple chat clients. (ie: msn, facebook and skype chats all going simultaneously)
  • Group chats are available in IMO (if available for that specific chat client, ie msn and skype allow group chats). Photo sharing is also available in group chats.
  • Option to save, browse and search chat history.
  • Share photos, audio and other files over the available chat clients which permit it.
  • IMO also lets you send voice IMs (once again on the chat clients which permit it). So you can record a short message on your microphone and send it instead of having to type it out.
  • IMO uses android smileys in its conversations, and everyone loves smilies!

IMO Cons

  • IMO uses a fair amount of battery.
  • Some problems exist if you are signed into a particular chat account at more than one place. IMO doesn’t seem to handle this too well and sometimes a particular message may not be sent or received correctly.
  • There is also a problem where you may receive a certain message multiple times, even though it has only been sent once. This may be caused by poor internet signal and interruptions to the connection though.

The last annoying thing is occasionally when typing a message you won’t be able to see what you are typing, this can be annoying but I have found a simple solution for the time being. All you need to do is exit that chat tab and go back into it again.

Why use IMO?

Anyone who uses more than one of the offered chat clients by IMO should consider installing this app, as it just works. Why have different apps for each of your chat clients when you can just use IMO for all of them.

What do I want to see from IMO?

At the moment the app version of IMO doesn’t incorporate steam chat like the web version does. This is definitely something which it should add and then continue to expand upon, adding more and more chat clients.

How to Unblock IMO in UAE Dubai


Would I recommend IMO?

Yes! If you don’t already have an instant messaging client installed on your tablet or phone, I would definitely recommend IMO. I have tried a few and none were as easy to use or worked as well as IMO.

How to use VPN for IMO on Android


    1. Click Settings icon

how to setup VPN in android

2. Select Wireless & Networks and tap on VPN

how to setup VPN in android

3. Tap Add VPN Network

how to setup VPN in android

4, Input connection name (Sahrzad VPN), select the type of your VPN connection – PPTP VPN, input VPN server address from your account data.Please be carefully – don’t use any additional symbols like spaces, http://, www, / …etc in the server address.

how to setup VPN in android

5.Input your Username and password that you received from VPN account service in e-mail.

6.Save it and tap Connect

how to setup VPN in android

For connection to vpn server:

  1. Select Home > Menu > Settings
  2. Tap Wireless & networks
  3. Tap VPN settings
  4. The VPN connections you have added are present in the list
  5. Tap the VPN you wish to connect to (Sahrzad VPN)
  6. A dialog box will open asking for your credentials, enter them and click connect

When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device. If you are disconnected, you will receive a notification and an option to go back to the VPN settings section.

Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.

How to Use IMO VPN on iOS?

  1. Go to Settings > General > VPN
    setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 1

2. Click Add VPN Configuration

setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 2

3. Choose PPTP VPN and enter you VPN account data. You will receive your VPN server, username and password in the e-mail

Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)

setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 3

4. Save your VPN configuration. Once you have created VPN connection you can switch it ON and OFF on the main settings screen

setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 4


Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.

✅ VPN for IMO or How to Unblock IMO

Best VPN for IMO

Sahrzad VPN
1 week$3.99
1 month$9.99
3 months$27.99
6 months$53.99
1 year$89.99


VPN Account
1 week$3.5
1 month$10
3 months$28
6 months$52
1 year$98


 Spider VPN (for Android)The Cheapest!
1 week$3
1 month$5
3 months$10
6 months$15
1 year$29.99


VPN Privacy
1 week$3.5
1 month$10
3 months$28
6 months$52
1 year$98